Embracing Growth: Reflections on Turning 38 and the Power of Goal Setting
Making Every Six Weeks Count
🎉 Cheers to 38 and the Power of 6-Week Goals! 🎉
It's almost the end of May, and guess what? I just celebrated turning 38! It's funny how this particular age has been giving me a bit of a hard time. I mean, I'm closer to 40 than 35 now!
Despite any age-related struggles, I'm feeling so grateful for where I'm at. I've managed to turn my passion into a thriving business, and I genuinely love what I do. Equally important, I am also able to prioritize spending quality time with my kids and husband, allowing us to create beautiful memories and embark on exciting new experiences together.
Now, let's talk about the secret sauce that has made this past year beyond amazing—setting 6-week goals! People often ask me what that's all about, so I thought it was time to share the story in a blog post.
Here's the thing: I don't believe in luck; I believe in good old-fashioned hard work. But how do you stay focused on your goals and avoid getting sidetracked by all the urgent but unimportant stuff that pops up along the way? Hard work is one thing, but focusing your hard work on the things that get you closer to your goals is where the magic happens.
“Working hard may come naturally, but the true magic unfolds when you stay focused on where your hard work is dedicated.”
In the past, I used to think goal setting was just a bunch of fluff. Sure, we'd set some New Year's goals, but we rarely followed up or made sure they aligned with our family's big dreams or personal growth.
But let me tell you, my perspective changed when I was offered to join a Strategic Solitude workshop in 2021 hosted by Dave Inglis. His powerful approach to setting 6-week goals resonated with me deeply. Six weeks is the sweet spot—it's long enough to make real progress and short enough to stay focused. I continued this practice for the next several months, and about a year ago, my husband and I decided to escape to a Muskoka Golf Resort for an extended weekend. It was our chance to disconnect, recharge, and chat about our long-term goals, both as individuals and as a family and then break them down into manageable 6-week chunks. It was a game-changer for our family, let me tell you.
Fast forward to today, and my husband and I have made it a ritual to dedicate some quality time to review the past 6-week block and plan the next one. We've tweaked the initial goal-setting worksheet to make it fit us. It's got four columns: Wealth, Health, Relationships, and Career/Work.
Forget about work-life balance—we're all about integration, allowing space for both work and personal life so that we can feel fulfilled in both aspects. Depending on the upcoming six weeks, we will figure out which areas need more attention and focus to achieve our goals and jot down important dates. It's all about setting goals that align with our bigger vision. So, if work has been taking over our lives, we make sure to sprinkle in more quality time, such as family date nights. And when our kids have something special happening, like hockey tryouts or track and field, we add it to the mix. Whether it's meal planning, scheduling extra practice sessions, or just bonding over driveway puck-shooting or running sessions. If it's part of the plan, you better believe we're on it!
This month, we took our goal-setting shenanigans to a whole new level and invited two of our closest friends. It was a retreat of relaxation, good food, and invigorating conversations. We know and appreciate the significance of surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals who share our drive and determination. Friends like this are the pillars of support, providing accountability and inspiration on our journey toward personal and professional growth.
As I celebrate another year of life, I can't help but be grateful for the incredible experiences and valuable lessons I've gained along the way. And here's the thing—I want to encourage each and every one of you to seek out your own community of like-minded individuals who will lift you up and challenge you to become the best version of yourself. Trust me, together, we can achieve extraordinary things!
So, here's to Strategic Solitude, goal setting, finding your tribe, and reflecting on the journey. It's worth it! Let's embrace the power of setting 6-week goals and making remarkable progress in our lives, one step at a time.
If you're reading this, I hope my story inspires you to take a leap and give this goal-setting approach a try. Remember, age is just a number, and with the right mindset and a supportive community, we can continue to chip away at our life goals regardless of age.
Here's to another incredible year of growth, laughter, and making dreams happen!
#StrategicSolitude #GoalSetting #FindYourTribe #BirthdayReflections